Cathy Carter
www.cathycarterheiser.com/genres: pop,
- Biography by Ecovata
Cathy Carter-Heiser was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, in the United States and has had the tremendous privilege of traveling to more than thirty countries over the last twenty years. After receiving her BA in music education from Bowling Green State University in Ohio, she performed on a cruise ship for a year, singing and dancing, before teaching for one year in the Detroit public schools.
She then entered a twelve-year period with YWAM, (Youth with a Mission), spending nine years with Musicians for Missions in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, teaching and ministering through music in Europe and Asia. Since that time she met and married her husband, Bruce, and has recently been administrating a creative arts equipping course, “The Crucible”, which takes place in Nashville, TN, where she and her husband presently live and work. She continues to remain involved in missions, leading worship at their home church of Belmont, and leading teams in overseas outreaches.
She then entered a twelve-year period with YWAM, (Youth with a Mission), spending nine years with Musicians for Missions in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, teaching and ministering through music in Europe and Asia. Since that time she met and married her husband, Bruce, and has recently been administrating a creative arts equipping course, “The Crucible”, which takes place in Nashville, TN, where she and her husband presently live and work. She continues to remain involved in missions, leading worship at their home church of Belmont, and leading teams in overseas outreaches.